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How to Choose the Best Sleep Sack To Keep Your Baby Cozy All Night
In the vast array of baby gear, sleep sacks are what I consider to be a must have item. Selecting the perfect sleep sack involves considering factors such as fabric, size, and TOG rating, depending on your climate. Of course, there is an overwhelming amount to choose from and it can be difficult to narrow down which is the best sleep sack for your baby or toddler. Don’t worry though, I’ve got you covered!
A Gentle Transition: When and How to Stop Swaddling Your Baby
You’ve probably stumbled across this blog while typing “how to transition my baby out of the swaddle” (or some version of that) into Google or Pinterest. I know this transition can be intimidating. Don’t worry, in this blog, we will explore the reasons for stopping swaddling, the right time to do it, and some effective strategies to ensure a smooth transition for your little one!
How To Plan Your Disney Vacation So Your Baby/Toddler is Well-Rested!
Hi, I’m Hannah, a mama of two boys ages 1 and 2. I’m so excited to guest write on the Mindful Sleep blog about our recent trip to Disney World. I’ve been to Disney around 20 times over the years, but this trip was my first time taking my kids. As many of you know, a great Disney trip takes lots of planning, and one thing I overlooked… planning for SLEEP with my littles!!
Partners In Parenting: How To Parent As A Team
When you bring your sweet newborn baby home from the hospital, so much changes, including your sleep. The feedings, night wakes, house chores, and everything in between can often leave mom feeling depleted, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Sometimes, dad doesn’t know how he can help and be a supportive partner during this transition.
5 Sleep Myths to Let go of in 2023
As a new parent today, you now have social media as an additional search engine to help you find answers to your questions. I’ve found that social media mixes in a lot of personal opinion which can lead to misinformation and guilt or shame. We all want to do our absolute best as parents, but how do you determine which advice is accurate and which is just someone’s opinion?
In this blog, I break down 5 sleep myths that we need to let go of in the new year!
3 Steps for Setting Boundaries During the Holidays for your Baby’s Sleep
How do you help maintain some structure with your baby’s sleep during the holidays?
Here are 3 strategies to help you plan accordingly, hold your boundaries and protect your baby’s sleep this holiday season.
Is your Baby Ready to Drop a Nap?
Your baby will go through many nap transitions in their first year of life. You may feel like you’ve finally settled into a solid and somewhat predictable routine and then all of a sudden your baby is ready for a switch up. When do these nap transitions happen? How will you know your baby is ready to drop a nap?
White Noise, Brown Noise, or Pink Noise … Which is Better for Sleep?
You’ve probably heard of white noise, and you may have even heard about how it can help you achieve better sleep. Along with white noise, two other types of noise have great benefits: pink noise and brown noise. Each one has its unique sound profile, which leaves many people wondering which noise is best for sleep.