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Bedtime Snacks for your Toddler or Preschooler that Promote Sleep
So you’ve announced that it’s time to head up to bed, and your toddler or preschooler starts in on the dramatic winning, saying “I’m STARVING!!!”.
This blog goes over how to implement a bedtime snack policy, hold your boundaries with it and what snacks can help promote sleep and why!
How to Solve Your Baby’s Split Nights
Has your typically sound sleeper started having a particularly long wake up during the middle of the night or even just a few hours after going to bed? When I say long, I’m talking hours.
If your answer is yes, then your child may be experiencing split nights! Let’s discuss what a split night actually is and some easy ways to solve them!
Send Your Child Back to School Well-Rested
The new school year is fast approaching. This means it’s time to get back to an appropriate bedtime to ensure your child is getting the rest they need for success in school! Here are my tips to make the transition back to school easier!
Best Blackout Solutions For Your Child’s Room
In this blog I go over the benefits of having a pitch black room for your little one’s sleep! I also talk about my top blackout solutions for at home and travel, plus a discount!
Adjusting Your Child’s Schedule for Summer
Now that summer is ‘basically’ here and the sun is staying up later, you may be thinking about moving your child’s bedtime later as well! Read on for tips on how and when to do this! Shift your child’s schedule in 15-minute increments.